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Collaboration with ESA Life drawing class, 2023 Peckham Levels.  Previewing  "Beyond Bodies" collection through immersive projection, on life models. 

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Unravelling the twisted relationship between woman and body. Depicted through immersive projection. 

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Beyond Bodies is my body of work, and it centers around my interpretation of both the internal and external experiences related to women's self-image. I explore themes such as identity, body dysphoria, and fantasy, drawing inspiration from Salvador Dali's 'dreams' series to create a worldly collection using surrealist techniques.

I worked with various parts of my body, using life drawings to shape and outline them. I then combined these elements with imagery from memories that hold significant meaning in my life. These natural images merged with repetitive pencil drawings, resulting in a collage. This transformative process allowed me to reevaluate conventional Westernized body standards and my perception of the 'perfect' body or the 'perfect' woman.

Each image within this collection is designed to transport viewers into the subconscious. I aimed to explore my own body, reimagining the female form through the 'female gaze,' which places emphasis on atmosphere, composition, and color rather than the body itself. In this series, I deconstruct the external aspects of myself and reimagined them to reflect the intricacies, layers, and complexities of the female experience."

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